Jaime Desviat

Jaime Desviat

Cybersecurity Analyst

Cloud Strategies for Business Growth and Innovation – Lessons learned from Cloud Maturity Journey Podcast Series

Last week marked the release of the inaugural episode of Cloud Maturity Journey, a podcast series delving into key strategies for establishing a robust cloud foundation for your business. In this debut chapter, we were joined by two remarkable professionals, Israel Olalla, Cloud Customer Engineer Manager at Google Cloud and Miguel Lopez, CTO at Making Science, who, alongside moderator Jaime Desviat, Cybersecurity Analyst at Making Science, discussed the various challenges enterprises encounter when embracing cloud technology, as well as current industry trends and how these challenges are being addressed.

Recent technological trends such as AI, online shopping, and cloud storage have spurred the emergence of cloud technologies. The cloud provides storage when needed, and resources when scarce and enables architectures to be scalable and resilient in times of resource scarcity. Despite this, many companies unknowingly rely on cloud services for everyday tasks such as email accounts, storage, and online meetings.

Furthermore, the cloud has democratized access to resources, allowing resource-constrained businesses to swiftly and affordably access what they need. This has significantly empowered small enterprises to conduct tests and trials previously only feasible for larger corporations.

Challenges and the Talent Gap

Present challenges primarily revolve around the scarcity of specialists. While many individuals possess general qualifications, few have detailed technical expertise on each platform. Consequently, businesses face novel technologies they cannot fully leverage due to talent shortages. Another notable challenge lies in migrating long-standing technologies from legacy environments, often resulting in wasted efforts attempting to improve systems that could be more efficiently rebuilt in the cloud.

Cloud Adoption Trends

Current statistics indicate cloud adoption rates in Spain at 30%, compared to 46% across the European Union. While startups predominantly embrace cloud infrastructure due to financial constraints, larger enterprises struggle more with the transition. Sectors such as tourism, e-commerce, hospitality, and particularly airlines are the latest to migrate to the cloud.

Future Trends and the Evolving Landscape

AI and machine learning will continue to shape the cloud landscape, unlocking greater potential as capacities expand. Multi-cloud environments are emerging, allowing companies to cherry-pick components from various platforms based on their needs and performance. Additionally, the gaming industry is transitioning to cloud environments alongside the proliferation of IoT.

Throughout this episode, we’ve explored how the cloud not only resolves storage and resource challenges but also levels the playing field, enabling businesses of all sizes to innovate and compete on equal footing. However, significant challenges remain, including the shortage of skilled specialists and the complexities of transitioning legacy technologies to cloud environments. Nevertheless, these challenges signal a promising future for cloud technologies.

Looking Ahead

Our ‘Cloud Maturity Journey’ continues in the next episode – a deep dive into optimal cloud architectures. Join us as we explore how a robust architecture can be the cornerstone of business success, impacting competitiveness, profitability, and customer experience.

Listen to the full episode of Cloud Maturity Journey to learn more about building a solid cloud foundation for your business.